Frederick the Great and His Familyby L. Muhlbach[Variant spellings: Louise Muhlbach, Luise Muhlbach and Luise von Muhlbach]TRANSLATED FROM GERMAN BYMRS. CHAPMAN COLEMAN AND HER DAUGHTERSCONTENTS.BOOK I.I. The KingII. Prince HenryIII. Louise von KleistIV. At the Masked BallV. A Secret CaptainVI. The Legacy of Von Trenck, Colonel of the PandoursVII. The King and WeingartenVIII. The Unwilling BridegroomIX. The First DisappointmentX. The ConqueredXI. The Travelling MusiciansXII. Travelling AdventuresXIII. The Drag-BoatXIV. In AmsterdamXV. The King without ShoesBOOK II.I. The Unhappy NewsII. Trenck on his Way to Prison...
SERTORIUS130?-72 Plutarchtranslated by John DrydenIT is no great wonder if in long process of time, while fortunetakes her course hither and thither, numerous coincidences shouldspontaneously occur. If the number and variety of subjects to bewrought upon be infinite, it is all the more easy for fortune, withsuch an abundance of material, to effect this similarity of results.Or if, on the other hand, events are limited to the combinations ofsome finite number, then of necessity the same must often recur, andin the same sequence. There are people who take a pleasure in makingcollections of all such fortuitous occurrences that they have heard or...
The House of Pride and Other Tales of Hawaiiby Jack LondonContents:The House of PrideKoolau the LeperGood-bye, JackAloha OeChun Ah ChunThe Sheriff of KonaJack LondonTHE HOUSE OF PRIDEPercival Ford wondered why he had come. He did not dance. He didnot care much for army people. Yet he knew them allgliding andrevolving there on the broad lanai of the Seaside, the officers intheir fresh-starched uniforms of white, the civilians in white andblack, and the women bare of shoulders and arms. After two years inHonolulu the Twentieth was departing to its new station in Alaska,and Percival Ford, as one of the big men of the Islands, could nothelp knowing the officers and their women....
三国演义 下卷罗贯中第五十回 诸葛亮智算华容 关云长义释曹操却说当夜张辽一箭射黄盖下水,救得曹操登岸,寻着马匹走时,军已大乱。韩当冒烟突火来攻水寨,忽听得士卒报道:"后梢舵上一人,高叫将军表字。"韩当细听,但闻高叫"义公救我?"当曰:"此黄公覆也!"急教救起。见黄盖负箭着伤,咬出箭杆,箭头陷在肉内。韩当急为脱去湿衣,用刀剜出箭头,扯旗束之,脱自己战袍与黄盖穿了,先令别船送回大寨医治。原来黄盖深知水性,故大寒之时,和甲堕江,也逃得性命。却说当日满江火滚,喊声震地。左边是韩当、蒋钦两军从赤壁西边杀来;右边是周泰、陈武两军从赤壁东边杀来;正中是周瑜、程普、徐盛、丁奉大队船只都到。火须兵应,兵仗火威。此正是:三江水战,赤壁鏖兵。曹军着枪中箭、火焚水溺者,不计其数。后人有诗曰:"魏吴争斗决雌雄,赤壁楼船一扫空。烈火初张照云海,周郎曾此破曹公。"又有一绝云:"山高月小水茫茫,追叹前朝...
The Turmoilby Booth TarkingtonTo Laurel.There is a midland city in the heart of fair, open country, a dirty andwonderful city nesting dingily in the fog of its own smoke. The strangermust feel the dirt before he feels the wonder, for the dirt will be upon himinstantly. It will be upon him and within him, since he must breathe it, andhe may care for no further proof that wealth is here better loved thancleanliness; but whether he cares or not, the negligently tended streetsincessantly press home the point, and so do the flecked and grimy citizens. Ata breeze he must smother in the whirlpools of dust, and if he should declineat any time to inhale the smoke he has the meager alternative of suicide....
Nada the Lilyby H. Rider HaggardDEDICATIONSompseu:For I will call you by the name that for fifty years has been honouredby every tribe between Zambesi and Cape Agulbas,I greet you!Sompseu, my father, I have written a book that tells of men andmatters of which you know the most of any who still look upon thelight; therefore, I set your name within that book and, such as it is,I offer it to you.If you knew not Chaka, you and he have seen the same suns shine, youknew his brother Panda and his captains, and perhaps even that veryMopo who tells this tale, his servant, who slew him with the Princes.You have seen the circle of the witch-doctors and the unconquerableZulu impis rushing to war; you have crowned their kings and shared...
一 珂勒惠支教授的版画之入中国野地上有一堆烧过的纸灰,旧墙上有几个划出的图画,经过的人是大抵未必注意的,然而这些里面,各各藏着一些意义,是爱,是悲哀,是愤怒,……而且往往比叫了出来的更猛烈。也有几个人懂得这意义。 一九三一年——我忘了月份了——创刊不久便被禁止的杂志《北斗》〔2〕第一本上,有一幅木刻画,是一个母亲,悲哀的闭了眼睛,交出她的孩子去。这是珂的第一幅,题目叫作《牺牲》;也是她的版画绍介进中国来的第一幅。这幅木刻是我寄去的,算是柔石〔3〕遇害的纪念。他是我的学生和朋友,一同绍介外国文艺的人,尤喜欢木刻,曾经编印过三本欧美作家的作品〔4〕,虽然印得不大好。然而不知道为了什么,突然被捕了,不久就在龙华和别的五个青年作家〔5〕同时枪毙。当时的报章上毫无记载,大约是不敢,也不能记载,然而许多人都明白他不在人间了,因为这是常有的事。只有他那双目失明的母亲,我知道她...
青山依旧在-一个劳动模范的一生作者:不详 陈永贵来向高华堂学习(引言) “打起硪子,嗨嗨呀,”随着领号声接着众人齐号:“吆嗨呀嗨嗨呀!”上百人的混杂声加杂着人们的干渴和长时吼叫的沙哑声,硪子打地啪啪声,震荡云霄,对面山崖中也发出巨大的回荡声。一般的吆喝声后,是指着某人呼叫的号子声:“张大嫂呀,嗨嗨呀,挑四筐呀嗨嗨呀…………” 号子声回荡在山野。这是1958年农历的十月中旬、在湖北的郧县大堰区、翻山堰村的半山坡的一个山坳里,人们劳动的情景。翻山堰东旁崎岖的小山梁的一条渠上、一座坐北向南的山坳——赵家坡,正在拦坳口修坝,修一座库容15万m3的大水塘。丘岭的山地虽然是初冬,但山凹的阴坡上经过太阳的照射,花花拉拉的集雪片子举目可见。 乌鸦冻的缩着头呆在老树上任凭寒风迎头吹,也不想觅食。小鸟在小树丛中不时的飞来飞去啾啾的叫着,也怕天冷,不愿离开树丛窜来窜去的飞。今天是一个晴...
THE FROZEN DEEPby Wilkie CollinsFirst SceneThe Ball-roomChapter 1.The date is between twenty and thirty years ago. The place is anEnglish sea-port. The time is night. And the business of themoment isdancing.The Mayor and Corporation of the town are giving a grand ball, incelebration of the departure of an Arctic expedition from theirport. The ships of the expedition are two in numberthe_Wanderer_ and the _Sea-mew_. They are to sail (in search of theNorthwest Passage) on the next day, with the morning tide.Honor to the Mayor and Corporation! It is a brilliant ball. Theband is complete. The room is spacious. The large conservatoryopening out of it is pleasantly lighted with Chinese lanterns,and beautifully decorated with shrubs and flowers. All officers...
THE BLACK DWARFTHE BLACK DWARFWalter Scott, Bart.1- Page 2-THE BLACK DWARFI. TALES OF MY LANDLORDCOLLECTED AND REPORTED BY JEDEDIAH CLEISHBOTHAM,SCHOOLMASTER AND PARISH-CLERK OF GANDERCLEUGH.INTRODUCTION.As I may, without vanity, presume that the name and officialdescription prefixed to this Proem will secure it, from the sedate andreflecting part of mankind, to whom only I would be understood toaddress myself, such attention as is due to the sedulous instructor of youth,...
The Well of the Saintsby J. M. SyngeA Comedy in Three ActsSCENESome lonely mountainous district in the east of Ireland one ormore centuries ago.THE WELL OF THE SAINTS was first produced in the Abbey Theatre inFebruary, 1905, by the Irish National Theatre Society, under thedirection of W. G. Fay, and with the following cast.Martin Doul W. G. FAYMary Doul EMMA VERNONTimmy GEORGE ROBERTSMolly Byrne SARA ALLGOODBride MAIRE NIC SHIUBHLAIGHMat Simon P. MAC SHIUBHLAIGHThe Saint F. J. FAYOTHER GIRLS AND MENMARTIN DOUL, weather-beaten, blind beggarMARY DOUL, his Wife, weather-beaten, ugly woman, blind also,nearly fifty...
The Essays of Montaigne, V13by Michel de MontaigneTranslated by Charles CottonEdited by William Carew Hazilitt1877CONTENTS OF VOLUME 13.XXXII. Defence of Seneca and Plutarch.XXXIII. The story of Spurina.XXXIV. Means to carry on a war according to Julius Caesar.XXXV. Of three good women.XXXVI. Of the most excellent men.XXXVII. Of the resemblance of children to their fathers.CHAPTER XXXIIDEFENCE OF SENECA AND PLUTARCHThe familiarity I have with these two authors, and the assistance theyhave lent to my age and to my book, wholly compiled of what I haveborrowed from them, oblige me to stand up for their honour.As to Seneca, amongst a million of little pamphlets that those of the so-...
在十七年里,李西凡从来没有见过真正的大人物,直到那天上午在山道上遇见盛家臣。天是浅蓝色的,太阳当头照着,才不过上午10点来钟就火辣辣的,山道两边的灌木都长到了一人来高,没有风的时候显得闷气。西凡抱着一大堆食品杂物走在上山的路上,后面的衫子湿透了黏黏地贴在脊背上,鼻头也冒出了细细的汗珠。圣马力诺孤儿院在半山腰里,而购物却要在镇上,所以西凡每天都要在这条路上跑来跑去,还好习惯了也就不觉得辛苦。听见有车沙沙从后面过来,西凡站住脚步往旁边让,顺便在肩头蹭蹭热得发痒的鼻子。“昂昂!”车喇叭声响。西凡抬头看见很酷的一辆黑色车子,车窗摇下来,一个年轻人探出头来。“早晨好。”“你好。” 西凡点点头。“请问去圣马力诺孤儿院是走这条路吗?”“对,一直开就到了,这条路只到孤儿院。” 西凡用膝盖顶顶怀里的大纸包,笑笑往上努努嘴说。“谢谢。”车窗摇上,车子慢慢开走了。滑出去十来米,又停住了,...
The Girl with the Golden Eyesby Honore de BalzacTranslated by Ellen MarriageDEDICATIONTo Eugene Delacroix, Painter.NoteThe Girl with the Golden Eyes is the third part of a trilogy. Partone is entitled Ferragus and part two is The Duchesse de Langeais.The three stories are frequently combined under the title TheThirteen.THE GIRL WITH THE GOLDEN EYESOne of those sights in which most horror is to be encountered is,surely, the general aspect of the Parisian populacea people fearfulto behold, gaunt, yellow, tawny. Is not Paris a vast field inperpetual turmoil from a storm of interests beneath which are whirledalong a crop of human beings, who are, more often than not, reaped bydeath, only to be born again as pinched as ever, men whose twisted and...
央视国际 2004年12月03日 10:23主讲人简介:阎崇年,北京社会科学院满学研究所研究员、北京满学会会长。论文集有《满学论集》、《燕史集》、《袁崇焕研究论集》、《燕步集》共四部;专著有《努尔哈赤传》、《古都北京》、《天命汗》等十六部。主编学术丛刊《满学研究》第一至六辑和《袁崇焕学术论文集》等十一部。先后发表满学、清史论文二百五十余篇。内容简介:光绪清朝的第十一位皇帝,是清朝第一位非皇子而入继大统的皇帝。4岁登极,在位34年,享年38岁。年号光绪。光绪皇帝一生38年的历程,分为四个时期,从出生到4岁醇亲王子时期;从4岁到18岁为少帝时期;从18岁到30岁为亲理朝政时期;从30岁到38岁为“囚帝时期”。光绪三十四年(1908年)十一月二十一日。光绪皇帝死于西苑瀛台涵元殿。光绪自被慈禧皇太后“废黜”之后,整整过了10年的囚禁生活,长期郁闷的生活导致光绪体弱多病,清宫太医院档案《慈禧光绪医方》一书,...