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Questing Knight(科幻战争)封面


  • 大小:163K
  • 热度: 75
  • 推荐: 2
  • 收藏: 0
  • 上传日期:2022-12-31


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Questing Knight(科幻战争) 上传者:匆匆

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《Questing Knight(科幻战争)》作者:[英]Anthony Reynolds【完结】Synopsis (英文书籍文案)The Knights of Bretonnia are defined by skill, bravery and honour as they fight against evil. Having fought to defend his homeland, Calard takes the vow of the Questing Knight to seek out the forces of Chaos and destroy them. However he must face an array of deadly foes that will not olny test his mettle in battle, but also the strenght of his vows to the LadyCalard had travelled the Old World and beyond seeking the Lady of the Lake, patron goddess ofBretonnia. Never in all that time had he spent more than a single night in one place, as per the decree ofhis oath, lest the Lady find him wanting.Seeking the Lady’s divine favour, he had bested creatures foul and murderous in the forests of the...


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二、 声明: 《Questing Knight(科幻战争)》完结版由会员【 上传者:匆匆 】上传,本网站为其提供的存储空间,该作品之版权与本站无任何关系。如作者、出版社认为本书侵权,请 点击联系本站 ,本站将在收到通知书后尽快删除您认为侵权的作品。
