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found at blazing star封面


  • 大小:71K
  • 热度: 8
  • 推荐: 0
  • 收藏: 0
  • 上传日期:2019-08-21


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found at blazing star 上传者:美丽心点

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Found At Blazing Starby Bret HarteThe rain had only ceased with the gray streaks of morning atBlazing Star, and the settlement awoke to a moral sense ofcleanliness, and the finding of forgotten knives, tin cups, andsmaller camp utensils, where the heavy showers had washed away thedebris and dust heaps before the cabin doors. Indeed, it wasrecorded in Blazing Star that a fortunate early riser had oncepicked up on the highway a solid chunk of gold quartz which therain had freed from its incumbering soil, and washed into immediateand glittering popularity. Possibly this may have been the reasonwhy early risers in that locality, during the rainy season, adopteda thoughtful habit of body, and seldom lifted their eyes to the...


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