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of the balance of trade封面


  • 大小:31K
  • 热度: 10
  • 推荐: 0
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  • 上传日期:2019-08-22


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of the balance of trade 上传者:梦幻天书

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Of the Balance of Tradeby David HumeIt is very usual, in nations ignorant of the nature of commerce,to prohibit the exportation of commodities, and to preserve amongthemselves whatever they think valuable and useful. They do notconsider, that, in this prohibition, they act directly contrary totheir intention; and that the more is exported of any commodity, themore will be raised at home, of which they themselves will always havethe first offer.It is well known to the learned, that the ancient laws of ATHENSrendered the exportation of figs criminal; that being supposed aspecies of fruit so excellent in ATTICA, that the ATHENIANS deemed ittoo delicious for the palate of any foreigner. And in this ridiculousprohibition they were so much in earnest, that informers were the



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