- 大小:646K
- 热度: 11
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- 上传日期:2019-08-22
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the man from glengarry
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The Man From Glengarryby Ralph ConnorA TALE OF THE OTTAWADEDICATIONTO THE MEN OF GLENGARRY WHO IN PATIENCE, IN COURAGE AND IN THE FEAROF GOD ARE HELPING TO BUILD THE EMPIRE OF THE CANADIAN WEST THISBOOK IS HUMBLY DEDICATEDPREFACEThe solid forests of Glengarry have vanished, and with the foreststhe men who conquered them. The manner of life and the type ofcharacter to be seen in those early days have gone too, andforever. It is part of the purpose of this book to so picturethese men and their times that they may not drop quite out of mind.The men are worth remembering. They carried the marks of theirblood in their fierce passions, their courage, their loyalty; andof the forest in their patience, their resourcefulness, their self-...
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