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  • 大小:226K
  • 热度: 14
  • 推荐: 0
  • 收藏: 0
  • 上传日期:2019-11-11


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the diary of a nobody 上传者:做男人挺好的

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The Diary of a Nobodyby George and Weedon GrossmithCHAPTER I.We settle down in our new home, and I resolve to keep a diary. Tradesmen trouble us a bit, so does the scraper. The Curate calls and pays me a great compliment.My clear wife Carrie and I have just been a week in our new house, "The Laurels," Brickfield Terrace, Holloway - a nice six-roomed residence, not counting basement, with a front breakfast-parlour. We have a little front garden; and there is a flight of ten steps up to the front door, which, by-the-by, we keep locked with the chain up. Cummings, Gowing, and our other intimate friends always come to the little side entrance, which saves the servant the trouble of going up to the front door, thereby taking her from her work. We have a nice little back


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二、 声明: 《the diary of a nobody》完结版由会员【 上传者:做男人挺好的 】上传,本网站为其提供的存储空间,该作品之版权与本站无任何关系。如作者、出版社认为本书侵权,请 点击联系本站 ,本站将在收到通知书后尽快删除您认为侵权的作品。
