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the wisdom of father brown封面


  • 大小:400K
  • 热度: 11
  • 推荐: 1
  • 收藏: 0
  • 上传日期:2019-12-24


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the wisdom of father brown 上传者:不落的滑翔翼

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G. K. CHESTERTONTHE WISDOMOF FATHER BROWNToLUCIAN OLDERSHAWCONTENTS1. The Absence of Mr Glass2. The Paradise of Thieves3. The Duel of Dr Hirsch4. The Man in the Passage5. The Mistake of the Machine6. The Head of Caesar7. The Purple Wig8. The Perishing of the Pendragons9. The God of the Gongs10. The Salad of Colonel Cray11. The Strange Crime of John Boulnois12. The Fairy Tale of Father BrownONEThe Absence of Mr GlassTHE consulting-rooms of Dr Orion Hood, the eminent criminologist and specialist in certain moral disorders, lay along the sea-front at Scarborough, in a series of very large and well-lighted french windows, which showed the North Sea like one endless outer wall of blue-green marble. In such a place the sea had something of the monotony of a blue-


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