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the jacket (the star-rover)
〖赞一下〗(0) 〖踩一下〗(0) 〖放入书架〗内容简介
The Jacket (Star-Rover)by Jack LondonCHAPTER IAll my life I have had an awareness of other times and places. Ihave been aware of other persons in me.Oh, and trust me, so haveyou, my reader that is to be. Read back into your childhood, andthis sense of awareness I speak of will be remembered as anexperience of your childhood. You were then not fixed, notcrystallized. You were plastic, a soul in flux, a consciousness andan identity in the process of formingay, of forming andforgetting.You have forgotten much, my reader, and yet, as you read theselines, you remember dimly the hazy vistas of other times and placesinto which your child eyes peered. They seem dreams to you to-day....
- 第 1 章
- 第 2 章
- 第 3 章
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