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- 上传日期:2020-03-02
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the story of an african farm
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The Story of an African Farmby Olive Schreiner (Ralph Iron)Preface.I have to thank cordially the public and my critics for the reception theyhave given this little book.Dealing with a subject that is far removed from the round of English dailylife, it of necessity lacks the charm that hangs about the idealrepresentation of familiar things, and its reception has therefore been themore kindly.A word of explanation is necessary. Two strangers appear on the scene, andsome have fancied that in the second they have again the first, who returnsin a new guise. Why this should be we cannot tell; unless there is afeeling that a man should not appear upon the scene, and then disappear,leaving behind him no more substantial trace than a mere book; that he...
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